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On behalf of the AFOS scientific committee, sharing their upcoming Asian Federation of Osteoporosis Meeting (AFOS) 2022 meeting to be held in in Singapore virtually 21-23rd January. The AFOS Scientific meeting brings together Osteoporosis Societies across Asia (Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Macau, Korea, India, Taiwan and China) to share best practices and offer an opportunity to be updated in the field of metabolic bone diseases and bone health.
This year's program ranges from plenaries on osteoporosis in "CKD and Osteoporosis", "Osteoporosis and Bone Biology" to broad topics in symposiums on "Radiological Imaging in Bone Health", "Metabolic Bone Diseases in Paediatric and Transition to Adulthood", "Complex Bone Diseases", " Controversies in Osteoporosis Management", "Sarcopenia and Locomotive Syndromes" as well as "Patient empowerment and Longevity ".
AFOS 2022 Scientific Programme
In addition, there will be a pre conference "Osteoporosis Essentials" course (Clinician /Technologist) that will take place from 20-21st January 2022 virtually. Further information of this course is available here:
Abstract submission dates are open and you are invited to all submission as well. Abstract submission deadline is 15th Dec 2021
Registration: Please register directly with the organizer, with the URL above. Do not register here.
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